Exhibition on sale day from 8.30am to 10.30am in Pont à Mousson (54700), Salle des Ventes, Zac du Breuil, Impasse Edmond Michelet.
The judicial sale is organized by SELARL JUSTITIA, Commissaire de Justice - Judicial Fees 14.28% TTC on lots 1 to 15.
The voluntary sale is organized by SAS PAM ENCHERES, Maison de Ventes (D 198-2022) - Voluntary fee 16.20% VAT included on lots 16 to 32.
Technical inspection fee: 75€. Technical inspections are available on request by e-mail to contact@huissiers-pam.com
Live registration validated after payment of a deposit of €3,000 via our secure website www.justitia54.com - please send us proof by e-mail with your bank details.
Collection of vehicles after payment no later than 12 noon on 04/08/2023.
Further information: 0608890875 - 0784121436 - contact@huissiers-pam.com
EC export: CMR must be supplied to justify exit from French territory.
Export outside EC: EX1 required.