Friday 25 October 2024 14:00
Pont-à-Mousson , Impasse Edmond Michelet. ZAC du Breuil 54700 Pont-à-Mousson
Sale information

The sale will take place in our sales room, zac du Breuil, impasse Edmond Michelet, 54700 Pont à Mousson and live on www.moniteurlive.com from 2pm.

Sale by SELARL JUSTITIA - Sales charge 14.28% incl. VAT for lots 1 to 172

Sale by SAS PAM ENCHERES - Sales charge 16.20% incl. VAT for lot 173

Display on sale day from 9am to 12pm at A4M METALLERIE, 1 route de Méréville, Zone Artisanale, 54160 FROLOIS.

Collection no later than 12 noon on Friday November 8, 2024.

Information: 0608890875 - 0383810091 - contact@huissiers-pam.com

Sale conducted by Maître Romain SANCESARIO

Sales conditions